Wednesday, October 18, 2023

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE 2023: The Best Holiday Gifts for Your Bestie


As the holiday season approaches, finding the perfect gift for your bestie is easy as 1-2-3 with our curated gift section. Lavender Fields is your go-to destination for unique and thoughtful presents, and here's a curated a list of the best holiday gifts for 2023.

Funny Needlepoint Pillows

These heirloom needlepoint pillows are just like the ones your grandma had, but updated for today (and a lot more fun)! Choose from our wide selection of cheeky quotes, including Taylor Swift lyrics!

Funny Plant Lady and Cat Lady Books

At $12 each, these make excellent Secret Santa gifts for your work bestie or for the holiday party! 
Shop the Plant Lady and Cat Lady books online at Lavender Fields. 

Spa Day Gifts

If you need spa day gifts, Lavender Fields is the place to be! Our Beauty & Wellness section is stocked with piles of bath bombs, fancy lotions, and luxurious candles for all budgets. 

Inspirational Notebooks and Lists

Our Holiday Paper section has tons of fun finds that are also great for Secret Santa or White Elephant gifts. 

Gilmore Girls Themed Holiday Gifts 

We're the spot for Gilmore Girls themed holiday gifts! We sell Luke's Coffee -  Scott Patterson's (Luke Danes) coffee brand! We also have so many Gilmore-themed coffee gifts for the Sookie to your Lorelai. 

Gift Cards and Custom Gift Baskets: 

 If you're unsure about your bestie's preferences, Lavender Fields offers gift cards that allow them to choose their own perfect holiday gift. We can also created a curated gift basket at your budget just for you. 

With Lavender Fields' thoughtful and high-quality gift options, you're sure to make this holiday season extra special for your bestie. Show them how much you care with a gift that reflects their unique personality and tastes. Happy gifting!