Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Meet Courage...the winner of our Rescue Dog Contest

Courage is a German Shepherd starved by his previous owner down to 37 pounds and rescued by German Shepherd Rescue of Orange County. "When Courage was found, he was near death and could not lift his head or stand. He had eaten dirt to survive. GSROC immediately started fund raising for his vet care, and their volunteers rallied to support him in his fight for life. Although he could not lift his head, he still had the strength to lick the faces of his rescuers as they cried over him. I was the person that took Courage from his previous owner and fostered him through months of intensive care and rehabilitation, carrying him out to go potty and back to his bed. Today he is the love of my life, sleeping by my bed and constantly under my feet when I do anything inside or ouside the house. He is a kind, gentle soul, that loves all animals, and adores all people and children. Whenever times get rough, I think of Courage and his fight for survival, and I'm inspired by his refusal to give up.". Congratulations Lisa and Courage.

Every rescue dog story was amazing and very inspiring. Thank you all that submitted your stories.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Rescue Dog Contest Giveaway

Attention Proud parents of a rescue dog ~ we want to hear from YOU!

In honor of these ever-loving pups, we're asking our readers to submit their rescue stories. Upon posting your story, you'll have a chance to win the Sugarboo Dog bed pictured below, valued at $150 AND we'll donate $100.00 to your favorite animal rescue.

Sugarboo Dog bed with Velveteen Rabbit quote
Deadline for submissions is THURSDAY April 5th, 2012 at 12:00 am, EST.
We'll announce the winning story right here on the blog. Be sure to stop back to see if it's you!

Please email us your dog's name and breed as well as the shelter they were adopted from.

Some suggestions you may want to include in your story are:
  • the details of how you became the parent of a dog in need
  • some of your favorite things about your dog
  • what makes your dog so special and unique
  • how your life has been changed since acquiring your furry friend
  • the story of how you rescued your dog
...and anything else you might want to share.

To enter, complete the steps below and leave your story in the comments section. 
Make sure you leave your contact details so we'll know how to reach you.

To enter send us your story, the rescue group details...
and do two of the following:
Follow us on facebook
Follow us on twitter
Follow us on pinterest
Follow this blog

We can't wait to hear YOUR story!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Signs of True Love ~ A Contest Winner

Sugarboo Print

I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine.

Recently we hosted a giveaway called 'Signs of True Love', asking readers to submit their love stories to us, just in time for Valentine's Day.

We received stories of young love, house love, unconventional love and more... It was difficult to choose but, in the end decided on one special story that touched our hearts.

Kaitlyn was our winner. Here is her story, in her own words...

"I was 13 when I first met her. We went to the same high school, were in the same group of friends, and ended up going to the same college; her one year later than myself. The summer prior to her first quarter at college, her previous relationship crumbled and she was heartbroken, so I stepped up to the plate as best friend and did my best to comfort and keep her mind off of her devastation. Little did I know that by doing so it would change my whole life. Over that summer I fell completely head over heels for her, just completely denying it due to the fact that a) she was a girl, I was a girl and I hadn't stepped into that territory yet, and b) I was currently in a 3 year relationship. At college we were inseparable and as numerous problems kept tearing at me from my current relationship, being around her drove me insane though I was incomplete denial of it and jealous of every person she pursued and who pursued this insanely intelligent, beautiful, sexy, hilarious best friend of mine . Fast forward. New Year's Eve. We're ringing in the new year with some champagne and mixed drinks when my reservations go out the window and I hug her so tight so she knows how much I care about her and need her and love her. And then we're kissing and I'm on fire. I have never felt like this in my entire life. All of my senses are peaking and this is a high I can't and will never be able to get enough of. I tell my boyfriend and we break up, but this is not simple. This is not easy. This is messy and heart wrenching and horrible and after a couple weeks and various inappropriate actions I decide that he can't handle this and we need to not see each other for awhile. He stalks us for two months plus. He memorizes our schedules and shows up outside our classes before and after. He breaks into our dormitory buildings on multiple occasions and just loiters outside of them waiting. We don't eat. We don't sleep. But we have each other. And it's exciting and fresh and comforting and wonderful and the purest thing that I have ever known or will ever know. My ex and I never speak again. I come out to my family after a couple months (I was raised strict southern baptist and the rest of my family is still practicing). This does not go smoothly either, though I'm used to being the black sheep. But this is different. My mother is crying and screaming to my father "How could we have done this Gerry?". Done what? I'm in love and the happiest and most comfortable I've been with myself... ever. My mother doesn't speak to me for several weeks and this hurts more than I had imagined. But I know what's right. I can feel it in my heart and no outdated religious doctrine can even attempt to tell me otherwise. Things are much better now. While my relationship of almost 3 years is still not fully accepted by my family and definitely not at all by society (we've been shot at with a bb gun in Kentucky, groped and harassed by male college students, among various other altercations) her family is being phenomenal. We're planning on moving to New York soon to finish school and start our lives together. I think this will be the most exciting adventure yet."

CONGRATULATIONS, Kaitlyn!You get your choice of either of these delicious signs from Sugarboo:


Special thanks to all who entered.
Keep checking back for more contests or better yet, put yourself on our mailing list to get the latest news and information. Until then, stop by the shop and see what's new!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Bella Notte Linens February Update

Bella Notte Linens has announced the 2012 introductions and discontinued colors and items.

We are so happy to announce two new gorgeous colors.

Pacific, an elegant, subtle blue-green that flows harmoninously with the rest of the colors. Pacific is the perfect accent to any bed.

Rose Quartz, a beautiful antique rose, soft and sophisticated. It is sweet when paired with White and Petal in a pastel crib, while lending itself equally to the bohemian whimsy of a queen bed stacked high with Fawn, Ginger and a splash of Adagio.

And then there is a new texture, Vivianne, a lightweight large-scale, botanical jacquard. A truly beautiful pattern soft and subtle in lighter tones, while truly breathtaking in darker colors where the floral pattern can be seen in full bloom.

Now to get to the discontinued colors...We are sad to see these colors go but if you need to add anything to add anything to a bed you already created then you can still order up until April. So we are saying goodbye to Charcoal, Crimson, Cypress, Ink, Ocean, Pistachio and Spice.

Also discontinued are the textures Dawson and Peony. If you need these textures contact us quickly as once the fabric is gone it is gone.

As always Lavender Fields offers free design assistance and would be happy to put the Bella Notte Linens bed or crib of your dreams together with you.

Newly added to our online store is Allysa, Madera and Homespun. All gorgeous alone or mixed together.

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Making room for new arrivals....Save on Sale Items

As we make room for our new Spring arrivals we are cleaning house and added some great items to our sale section. Take 10% off all sale items by entering code Sale at checkout. Quantities are limited so shop soon.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Signs of True Love ~ A Contest

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, we've decided to honor the day in a special way. 
We want to hear your love story.
How did you meet?
Share your proposal.
Did he ask your dad?
High school sweethearts?
Rekindled love?

Your piece should be at least 200 words. We want details!

And, hey! Don't limit yourself to the standard relationship. If you've got a love story with your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, pet, children...even your dream house. 

We've all got a story.
And they're all special and unique.
Honor your story and share it with the world.

Contest ends February 24th, so start writing!
We can't wait to see them all. We will post the winner on our blog when the contest is over.

To enter send us your love story and do one of the following:
Like us on Facebook
Follow this blog
Follow us on Twitter
Share this contest on Facebook

No purchase necessary. Your entry must include your first name and state and must be at least 200 words long. We will select a winner on February 24, 2012.

We're making this VERY worth it.
~Winner gets their choice of either or these gorgeous Sugarboo signs~ valued at $300.00.
Which will YOU choose?
